Periodontal Splint

How Dr. Rahim Can Reduce Tooth Migration And Mobility

Bloō Dental -

When Is A Periodontal Splint Necessary?

One of the effects of periodontal disease is the gradual loosening of the teeth as the surrounding gum and bone tissue is compromised. Teeth can also become loosened by traumatic injury. In both cases, chewing can be painful and difficult. One solution for loose teeth is periodontal splinting, meaning that the teeth can be splinted or joined together so that the bite pressure is distributed evenly among them.

How Does A Periodontal Splint Work?

A splint can either be temporary or fixed. Teeth can be splinted together temporarily with extra-coronal splints, which are bonded to the enamel, or intra-coronal splints, which involve cutting a small channel into the teeth and inserting and cementing a custom metal splint in place. In permanent or fixed splinting, the crowns of the affected teeth are literally fused together.

Can Rahim Help?

Here at Bloō Dental, we want all of our patients to be able to enjoy the comfortable use of their teeth. If you’re struggling with painful, loose teeth, give us a call at (703) 327-5533 or send us a email to set up an appointment. Dr. Rahim can examine your teeth and determine whether you are a good candidate for periodontal splinting.

Call Today!

(703) 327-5533


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